Finding his Potential: Daniel’s Inspiring Journey through are-able School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) Service in Ballarat

Daniel Tan’s inspiring journey through are-able’ NDIS School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) in Ballarat is a testament to the power of individuals with disabilities to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
With the support of his Employment Preparation & Engagement consultant (EPEC), Penny, Daniel has gained invaluable work experience and developed his employment skills.
According to Penny, “The progress Daniel has made during his time in SLES has been truly transformative, not just for his work capacity, but for his confidence, independence, and overall wellbeing.”
Daniel enjoys the engagement with his EPEC, group sessions, the comfortable environment, and the work experience. The SLES Service has made a huge impact on Daniel’s life, allowing him to develop his appearance, communication skills and overall engagement. He also learned the importance of offering to help, demonstrating his commitment to personal and professional employment goals.
“Work experience isn’t just about gaining skills and knowledge; it’s about unlocking a world of possibilities and potential for NDIS participants,” says Penny.
At are-able, we believe that anything is possible with the right support and mindset. We are grateful to be a part of Daniel’s journey towards success. are-able offers the School Leaver Employment Supports (SLES) program. SLES a service offered by are-able that aims to assist school leavers with disabilities in their transition to the workforce.
The program provides tailored support and guidance to participants, helping them to identify their strengths, interests and career goals, and to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue and maintain meaningful employment. This may include assistance with job searching, resume writing, interview preparation, workplace communication and problem-solving, as well as ongoing support once employment has been secured. Overall, the SLES program seeks to promote the inclusion and economic participation of young people with disabilities, and to support them in achieving their full potential in the workforce.
Want to learn more about are-able SLES Service? Contact the team today!