Early Childhood Education Training Takes Ballarat Local on New Career Path
After a long corporate career, Ballarat woman Cathy Aisbett decided it was time to branch out into a more giving role, and decided to train as an Early Childhood Educator.
Cathy enrolled herself in are-able’s Early Childhood Education and Care course. Cathy had spent her entire career in the finance industry and was searching for something more rewarding.
“I was finding very little enjoyment attending work and was fast approaching retirement. I didn’t want to finish my working life doing something I had lost the passion for, so I looked into childcare and did a few weeks volunteer work and loved it!” said Cathy.
Early childhood education is a crucial part of the development stages for children, showing broad social benefits as well as better education outcomes. are-able training uses an industry-based model that provides students with the skills and confidence that employers value and recognise.
For Cathy, the are-able training made learning easy, both in class and during the on-the-job placement days and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending the course to others, particularly older people.
“The training is very supportive and there is always someone to help you if you have concerns,” she said. “I am quite a bit older than most of the other students and this has not been an issue with the teacher or students.”
Cathy’s lifestyle change has created a newfound sense of enjoyment in her career. She wanted a job where she could give back and has found childcare a good fit.
“Most days I feel like I get back more than I give because the children are such fun to be with. The training I received has given me the chance to work with children, and this is such a positive direction and an enjoyable way to spend my time,” she said.
Cathy encourages anybody who might be considering a career change to investigate their options.
“I realised it’s never too late to make a change in where you work. I love the daily social interaction in working with the children. It is heart-warming to be greeted by them and to be able to participate in their learning,” she said.
Contact are-able Ballarat to learn more about our Early Childhood Education and Care training services.