Hamilton and District Pensioners Association Clubrooms upgraded thanks to are-able Foundation

The are-able Foundation was proud to support the Hamilton and District Pensioners Association with a $10,000.00 grant as part of the are-able Foundation’s 2019 Community Grants.
The are-able Foundation grant was recently used by The Hamilton and District Pensioners Association to provide a wheelchair access ramp to the floor level of the clubrooms, and the recently installed disabled toilets.
The clubrooms are utilised by members of the Hamilton and District Pensioners Association for Bingo twice per week and other functions, clients of the Southern Way Stay Residential Group for daily activities and other community not-for-profit groups. “The facility will allow our disabled members and visitors easy, friendly access to our facilities and functions”. Said Association president Bruce Snell.
“We are thrilled to provide a significant financial contribution to the Hamilton and District Pensioners Association for the improvement of access to their Clubrooms” Said Hamilton are-able Business Development Officer Damien Logan. “The improvements will allow all ability access and enable more people to use their facilities”.
Since 2004, The are-able Foundation has allocated over $1 million to a wide range of projects across regional Victoria. It is currently funded solely via are-able profits generated by its operation as an employment and disability service. The Foundation grants are offered to organisations that aim to increase employment and social inclusion opportunities for people living with a disability or disadvantage.
L-R Damien Logan of are-able presents Bruce Snell from the Hamilton and District Pensioners Association a cheque from the are-able Foundation for their clubroom upgrade. Photo Credit: Hamilton Spectator
are-able is a not-for-profit community agency that provides disability and mainstream employment assistance, recruitment and training services as well as a wide range of Social Enterprises and NDIS Activities. are-able develops pathways to strengthen communities that enhance individuals, families and businesses.