are-able Mildura Teams up with Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering to change lives

are-able Mildura is one of regional Australia’s leading providers of the Disability Employment Service programs, this means they are among the best in the country at helping people find meaningful and sustainable employment. are-able supports jobseekers with training, resume preparation, work experience, job matching, and employment counseling. are-able Mildura also creates solutions for businesses and employers, offering a free service for employers looking to recruit new staff or refine the skills of their existing staff.
It is this formula that makes the magic happen! are-able Mildura loves working with like-minded businesses. “Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering is a local family run business that understands that employment is not always one-size-fits-all, they have created an inclusive secure work environment which brings out the best in their employees.” Said Ethan, Site Manager, are-able Mildura.
Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering has provided the perfect employment opportunities for several are-able Mildura jobseekers.
One such jobseeker is Michelle Dransfield, experiences high levels of anxiety, it was important to find Michelle an employer that understood her barriers. Knowing that Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering provided an adaptable and inclusive working environment are-able approached them to see if they had any opportunities, which may be appropriate.
L-R Michelle Dransfield (are-able Jobseeker) & James Whitworth (Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering)
Michelle was offered a role with Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering as their workshop and shop front cleaner. “Michelle is pro-active around the store and has helped us through the recent dust storms, since joining the team she’s now more outgoing and it’s been great to see her come out of her shell” said James Whitworth who is one of the owners of Mildura 4WD Accessories & Markraft Engineering. Michelle feels apart of the team and continually expresses how supportive and friendly her workplace is.
Michelle is happy to have found a great workplace, thanks to are-able Mildura.