
are-able Foundation provides funding to assist local young people with employment opportunities


The are-able Foundation has granted Glenelg and Southern Grampians Local Learning and Employment Network (GSGLLEN) $3,000 to fund their first Reunion Days activity.


The Reunion Days activity is a part of GSGLLEN Passport to Employment (P2E) program, an initiative that provides young people who are in need of extra assistance, pre-employment training in communication, presentation and life skills.


GSGLLEN’s Anne Murphy hopes the funding will help improve the program by evaluating the progress of the past participants and offer timely support to young people, assisting them on their transition journey.  It also reinforces the community and peer connections for young people with a disability.


‘We’ll be able to assess the longer-term outcomes of participating students – the Reunion Days activity will be used as a mechanism to check in with past students to document the outcomes of the program.’


As part of the feedback process, past students will come together for a day of activities, including sharing food and socialising.


are-able Hamilton Site Manager Tammie Hawke is proud to support the program and says the benefits to participants is invaluable.


‘The funding of The Reunion Days will allow the committee to track the progression of students in their education, life and work outcomes to ensure that these programs continue to run and benefit young people in our community.’


Ms Hawke is also keen to point out the advantages of employment for the community as a whole.


‘Employment is one of the most effective ways of improving the lives of those who are experiencing disability or disadvantage. are-able is committed to helping provide opportunities for all people to find employment that fits their unique needs.’


are-able Chair Mary Graham is impressed by the level of community commitment she sees in the grant applications.


“The process of reviewing and accessing applications demonstrates just how innovative and passionate our communities are about finding ways to increase inclusion and skill development for those who can find themselves isolated or disadvantage, be that due to where they live, their education, or physical or mental disability,” she said.


The are-able Foundation grants are allocated in order to increase employment and social inclusion opportunities for people living with a disability or disadvantage. The Trust is currently funded solely vian are-able’s profits, generated by its operation as an employment and disability service provider.


The next funding round is open now, closing on 31 March 2019. To apply for an are-able Foundation grant, go to www.areable.org.au/about/WDEA-Works-foundation

Or contact are-able Foundation on 03 5561 2579

are-able Foundation was initiated in 2004 as a way to give back to the regions in which we operate, in a way that is tangible and met its own purpose and vision- to changes people’s lives and strengthen communities.